jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009
PaiN RAT 0.1 Beta9

Opciones y caracteristicas:
- FWB (DLL Injection, The DLL is Never Written to Disk)
- Decent Strong Traffic Encryption
- Try to Unhook UserMode APIs
- No Plugins/3rd Party Applications
- 4 Startup Methods (Shell, Policies, ActiveX, UserInIt)
- Set Maximum Connections
- Built-In File Binder
- MultiThreaded Transfers
- AntiDebugging (Anti VMware, VirtualPC, Anubis Sandbox..etc)
Broadcast :
- Server Options
- Search
|_Search Files
|_Search Windows
- Passwords
|_Misc Passwords
|_FireFox Passwords
- Suspend Options
- Upload Key Logs
- HTTP Download
- DOS Command
- Memory Download
- USB Monitor
Function :
- Managers
|_File Manager
|_Search Files (Threaded)
|_Window Manager
|_Registry Editor
|_Search Registry
|_Process Manager (Terminate, Suspend, Resume and Restart Processes)
|_Modules List (Unload DLL From One Process or From All Processes)
|_Device Manager *
|_Startup Manager (Registry and Startup Folders)
|_Clipboard Manager (Text and Files)
|_Service Manager (With Drivers Support)
- Surveillance
|_Screen Capture (With PNG Compression)
|_Webcam Capture (Supports Multiple WebCams)
|_Key Logger
|_USB Drives (With Auto Copy Files To USB)
- Information
|_PC Information
|_User Accounts
|_Available Accounts
|_Logon Sessions
|_CD Keys (Custome List)
|_Installed Apps.
|_Network Adapters
|_Active Ports *
- Passwords
|_Misc Passwords (Live Messenger and No-IP DUC)
|_FireFox Passwords (Supports Firefox 2 and 3)
|_LSA Secrets
- Miscellaneous
|_Memory Execute (Execute From HTTP or From Local)
|_Message Box
|_Command Prompt
|_Display Settings
|_Suspend Options
|_Script Creator
- Net Tools
|_Web Server
|_Socks Server
|_Web Transfers (HTTP Download, FTP Upload and Download)
|_Port Scanner
|_Host Redirect
* = Not Vista Compatible (Yet)
Server Size : 173 KB (Unpacked)
- Autor: Kill3r7
- Lenguaje: Delphi7 Cliente&server.
- Origen: Egipto.
- Comentario: Un buen troyano con nuevas y buenas caracteristicas que no tienen otros troyanos, es la primera version que sale pero es un troyano que promete y sera uno de los grandes y de nueva generacion de troyanos.La antigua generacion(Poison ivy y Bifrost) ya esta quedando hacia un lado por las nuevas prometas como PaiN RAT y Spy-net con sus nuevas caracteristicas y opciones que los diferencian de las del poison ivy y bifrost de toda la vida, lo recomiendo ,salu2.

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