Demo | DownloadDescriptionBlogger tube, this is first free premium video gallery blogger template. Usually if we post video and using an automatic readmore, it only show video code. But now you can post your favourite video and arrange it as gallery using this video blog template. When you click full post, the video will...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionBloggertory free blogger template, another unique layout. This template is designed white clean and full featured. Suitable for magazine, news or blog directory. Another features are navigation menu, multi column at lower section, ads ready.Installation SettingClick here for installation settingDesignerGraphic...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionA Lovely Day blogger template, what a cute layouts with animated kids header image. This template suitable for your kids, baby, children blogDesignerCola7laAuthorFifa Ga...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionFive Starts Free Premium Theme, free premium template for blogger, dominated with white and grey color, this template designed clean and neat. Featured with navigation menu, feeds subscribe, featured post, search form, and banner ads. Suitable for your business and news blogInstallation SettingClick...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionAndroida Blogger Template, another blogger template with minipost style. Featured with banner ads ready, suits your personal business blogInstallation SettingClick here for installation settingDesignerWeb2feelAuthorCahaya B...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionCupcake Cookie Blogger Template, another cute template for your cake, cookies, bakery recipe blog. Decorated with sweet cupcake image at header and footerInstallation SettingClick here for installation settingDesignerIpietoon Blogger Templ...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionCypher Blogger Template , simple grunge and artistic layouts with sand effect as its background. This template suits your personal journal blogDesignerDVQ ThemesAuthorDeluxetempla...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionGreen Blog Blogger Template , an artistic layouts with flower swirl and ornament vector as background image. This template suitable for your art and personal blog.DesignerTemplateemoAuthorBloggerthe...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionScrapbook white blogger template, unordinary scrapbook template. You can't get girly layout here, but you'll get as if 1 column blogger template. Featured with photo gallery and hidden sidebar, suits your personal blogInstallation settingClick here for installation settingDesignerEriculousAuthorFree...
Google has finally brought templates to Google Sites, its free online tool used to create and edit wiki-based websites
. The new feature builds on top of Google Docs document templates that let you quickly dress up your presentations, spreadsheets, and documents with different looks.
If you suck at HTML/CSS coding and are a lousy designer, you can now create sites using free templates in the public gallery. We counted around fifty templates at press time scattered across various categories like family, wedding, charity, clubs, neighborhood associations, business, government and non-profits, and more.
You can’t apply a template to your existing site at the moment. To start a new site from a scratch using a template, log in to Google Sites, create a new site by clicking the “Create New Site” button, and choose a desired design from a couple of default templates or browse the gallery for more. Only basic template customization is supported at the moment, stuff like changing typefaces, font sizes, and text colors. You can’t edit CSS or add JavaScript. If you have created a cool site, you can submit it to the public gallery as a design template.
Businesses using Google Apps can share site templates with coworkers within their organization. Scott Johnston, a Google product manager, wrote the following in an official blog post:
The rate that businesses are adopting Google Sites has surpassed our expectations, and templates will make Sites even more useful by dramatically reducing the time it takes to set up collaborative workspaces like employee intranets, project tracking sites, team sites and employee profile pages. Templates let you quickly start a new site with pre-built content, embedded gadgets, page layouts, navigation links, theming and more.
Some of the highlights of Google Sites include the ability to create full copies of sites and the ability to copy sites from Google Apps to Sites and vice versa. If you’ve used Google Docs, you’ll feel right at home in Google Sites. Besides the usual HTML formatting features, Google Sites has a bunch of website-specific editing features. You can embed Google gadgets, insert YouTube and Google Video items, Google Calendar entries, Google Docs documents, Google Maps items, and Picasa slideshows and galleries. Even though the sites created using Google Sites show no ads, you can enable AdWords and AdSense adverts if you plan to monetize your site.
Google Sites has gone a long way in its short-lived existence. The product arrived on February 28, 2008 as a Google Page Creator replacement. Prior to that, the service had started out as JotSpot’s webpage creation tool aimed at small- and medium-sized businesses. Google acquired JotSpot in October 2006 and re-branded the service as Google Sites. At first, it was part of Google Apps so it required a dedicated $10 domain from Google, but it later became available separately from the Google Apps suite.
Anyone can now use Google Sites without having to purchase a domain – all that’s needed is a Google Account sign-in and a mobile SMS verification to prevent fraud. If you don’t want your site URL in this form:, you can set up Google Sites to display the site on your own domain, but you’ll need to change the domain’s CNAME records in order to prove your ownership of the domain. Google Sites doesn’t support RSS feeds for site updates and anonymous comments. Free accounts get 100MB of storage for the site content (10GB for Google Apps users).
Personal Blog is a blogger template for personal blogs. It has a notebook styled layout. The template was request by most people, so it`s here for you :)
Based on a Website template by and created for Blogger by me.
Smell like facebook v.2 sudah keluar di blognya nazieb (author) dengan penambahan featured ajax seperti facebook, sidebar kanan dan beberapa kelebihan lainnya silahkan lihat sendiri di linknya. Berikut ini modifikasi dari Smell like facebook yg 2 kolom dengan penambahan sidebar kanan.
Demo | DownloadDescriptionPlayhouse blogger template, 2 columns layout with card and roulette as header image. Suitable for online casino blogDesignerweb2feelAuthorThemecr...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionAll black blogger template totally black color and simple. 2 columns layout featured with twitter update and RSS subscribeDesigner
Demo | DownloadDescriptionLove Tree blogger template, a simple 2 columns layout with love tree as header image. This love theme can be used for love blog, romantic story blog etcDesignerWPThemesFreeAuthorBloggerthe...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionWhite clean magazine, my another blogger template. Designed simple, clean, and of course ads ready. 3 columns layout maximize your advertisement place.DesignerBieTemplatesInstallation SettingPlease, read all installation setting before ask.White Clean Magazine LayoutHeader Title SettingYou can...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionMissed Spring blogger template , a simple but colorful layout. Spring at the town illustration make this template suits your kids, children, family, or personal blogDesignerWpThemesCreatorAuthorBloggerthe...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionLap of Luxury blogger template, a basic design of template, 2 columns with dotted background pattern. Featured with RSS sucscribe and search form. I think this suit your personal blogDesignerDesign DiseaseAuthorTemplatesBl...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionShine blogger template, a dark blue color with sun shine as background image. The 2 columns layout for online journal blogDesignerCreamyAuthorTemplatesBl...
Demo | DownloadDescriptonMagnolia Orange magazine blogger template, another series of magnolia template. featured with slide, dropdown menu bar, search form, and multicolumn so you can maximize widget placement. Suitable for portfolio, business blogDesignerWPsmashAuthorTemplatesbl...
Demo | DownloadDescriptionMagnolie Marine magazine blogger template, another series of magnolia template. featured with slide, dropdown menu bar, search form, and multicolumn so you can maximize widget placement. Suitable for portfolio, business blogDesignerWPsmashAuthorTemplatesbl...
Bienvenido a Portales y Buscadores Si en internet no encuentras lo que buscas, te ofrecemos una recopilación de los mejores buscadores y de los mejores portales que hay en la red, en inglés y en español.
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Para hacer funcionar cada comando o cheat, simplemente debes tipearlos como si estuvieras haciendo una llamada telefónica en el Móvil de Niko.
Salud: marcas (482) 555-0100
Armadura: marcas (362) 555-0100
Armas #1: marcas (486) 555-0150
Armas #2: marcas (486) 555-0100
Rebajar el Nivel de Buscado: marcas (267) 555-0100
Aumentar el Nivel de Buscado: marcas (267) 555-0150
Cambiar de clima y tiempo: marcas (468) 555-0100
Información de canción: marca (948)555-0100.
Dinero infinito: marcas (537) 215-44.
Hacer aparecer un Cognoscenti: marcas (227) 555-0142
Hacer aparecer un Sanchez: marcas (625) 555-0150
Hacer aparecer un FBI Buffalo: marcas (227) 555-0100
Hacer aparecer un Turismo: marcas (227) 555-0147
Hacer aparecer un NRG900: marcas (625) 555-0100
Hacer aparecer un Comet: marcas (227) 555-0175
Hacer aparecer un SuperGT: marcas (227) 555-0168
Hacer aparecer un Helicóptero Annihilator: marcas (359) 555-0100
Hacer aparecer un Jetmax: marcas (938)-555-0100
Hacer aparecer un carro Presidente: Marcas (265) 555-2423.
Hacer aparecer un carro Feltzer: Marcas (662) 555-0147.
Hacer aparecer un carro Banshee: marcas (265) 555-2423.
Hacer aparecer un carro Infernus: marcas (395) 555-0100 ó (227) 555-0147.
Hacer apareces una patriot: marcas (125) 555-019.
Mapa Completo (con armas, salud, armaduras, locales, etc.): Debes irte a algún computador en el juego y escribir la dirección:
Arreglar coches rotos: Si quieres arreglar un coche roto o que se niega a arrancar, solo tienes que marcar 911, esperar que contesten y cortar.
Si lo hiciste bien, el coche debería andar.
Quitarse estrellas de búsqueda de la policía: escribe el siguiente código para no ser buscado por la policía (267) 555-0100.
Para conseguir el primer grupo de armas (Bate de béisbol, pistola, escopeta, MP5, M4, Rifle de francotirador, Granadas), escribe lo siguiente en el teléfono móvil de Niko: 4865550100.
Para obtener el segundo grupo de armas (Cuchillo, Bomba Molotov, Pistola, Escopeta, Uzi, AK47, Rifle de francotirador), deberás escribir en el móvil lo siguiente: 4865550150.
Restaurar la salud de Niko: Escribe el siguiente código en el teléfono móvil 4825550100.
Conseguir blindaje para Niko: Ve al teléfono móvil y escribe 3625550100. Será más difícil matarte.
Ser más buscado por la policía: Para ser más buscado por la policía, escribe en tu teléfono móvil la siguiente combinación de números 2675550150.
Conseguir el helicóptero Annihilator: Consigue este vehículo poniendo la siguiente combinación de números en el móvil 3595550100.
Aparecer un F16 con 20 soldados del ejército dentro: Escribe este número (427) 555-0101 y los soldados de dentro del avión harán lo que tú les ordenes.